
St. Thomas Anglican Church is part of the Diocese of Rupert’s Land and is located in the heart of the City of Morden, Manitoba on 8th Street near the corner of Stephen and 8th. Founded in 1885, the parish is the oldest continuously worshipping and serving church in the City. The congregation has a strong and active membership. It is large enough to offer a warm, welcoming atmosphere in which to find a place of belonging and space and yet at the same time is small enough to get to know everybody over time.

St. Thomas welcomes participation in worship from the members of the congregation and offers a team approach to worship and pastoral care. Ministry is shared among the priest, deacon, and lay ministers in the Service of the Word and Sacraments. Worship experience offers a blend of traditional and contemporary styles in alternating services of Morning Prayer and Holy Communion complemented by multi-media resources to enhance and assist in worship. While the parish uses the Book of Alternative Services as its primary worship resource, the Book of Common Prayer is available as a teaching resource in matters of historic doctrine, authority and order. Special Theme services are planned seasonally.

In keeping with the Great Commandment and Commission, St. Thomas takes its worship and service out into the community by participating in the Caring and Sharing ministry to local families in need. In addition to supporting local charitable work, the church is committed to world relief and development projects and northern ministry outreach as it is able.

Founded in 1885, St. Thomas is the oldest continuously
worshipping and serving church in the City of Morden.